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We know that membership organisations (link to sector page) are under increasing pressure to provide members with the same levels of customer service as commercial businesses, whilst also delivering on your membership promises. Organisations have to navigate through all this in an age of digital disruption where members’ demands are changing due to technological advancements. How can you ensure you are meeting the increasing needs of the people most valuable to you? Although some business leaders have concerns about moving to the Cloud, 93% of business professionals believe a connected digital infrastructure is important to anticipate and service customer needs. Implementing a system within your business, which allows your teams to work in a more mobile way, could help you to engage with members in a more flexible, agile and connected manner.
Membership organisations need a customer relationship solution that is going to reduce the burden of undertaking lengthy administrative processes, easily integrate with other systems and provides the functionality to have all data in one centralised area. This will provide you with the ability to understand and improve your relationship with donors.
CloudMembership enables you to work efficiently and effectively, empowering you with a tool, which allows you to connect with members to understand their needs.
CloudMembership is an intuitive CRM system designed with membership organisations in mind to enable you to effectively build marketing campaigns, process membership income, manage merchandising and provide your teams with the ability to process tasks with ease anytime, anywhere; using the latest in Cloud technology.
With over 20 years of experience working with membership organisations in the UK, we’ve developed CloudMembership based on our knowledge and understanding of the problems facing memberships organisations in the digital age. The solution is built to provide teams with flexible and easy access to a system, which contains all your membership data. Having a 360-degree view of each member means you can better understand their needs and how to engage with them, making relationships more meaningful and effective than ever before.
Having worked with membership organisations for over 20 years, we understand that membership organisations have specific functionality requirements to enable them to work effectively and efficiently.
CloudMembership is the result of feedback from our clients who work in the sector and is designed to fit your working practices in a way that no other competing software can.
CRM functionality within the software allows enhanced tagging of people using profile functionality. Ease of access encourages all your stakeholders to keep your data clean and up-to-date.
Events allow training, fundraising events and conference events to be run within the system, allowing income to be tracked against the event. It includes comprehensive booking functionality. Keeping all your event data in one place helps you manage income and understand your supporters.
The membership module allows basic memberships to be created and managed. It includes functionality such as renewals, member locations and discounts and can be used in conjunction with the direct debit functionality for ongoing collections. Simplify and automate your processes to free up your time to better support your members.
With a 300 strong dedicated support team, you can get in touch with us via phone, email or through our 24x7 online customer portals. We’re here to help.
Find out more about our solutions & how we have helped our customers reimagine their business by searching our resources.
See how we enable our customers to positively impact millions of people.